Blog 2

In the series Dear White People, achieving equality and social justice is the main objective of the show. The show takes place on an ivy league college campus where the black students feel as though they were treated differently than their fellow white students. However, the main event that takes place at the beginning of the series and sets the racial tensions in motion is a very unlikely occurrence. The series begins with a white run student organization throwing a racially insensitive party: a blackface party. This being the first socially injustice act in the series automatically makes the viewers distance themselves from the show due to the unlikely hood of a blackface party being thrown on an ivy league campus especially in modern-day time.


The legal-system in the show is seen as the antagonist, and the series only incorporates stories and actions by the legal-system that have negatively impacted the black community. By not including any of the legal-systems positive impacts on society the show is not an accurate representation of reality.

Dear White People

dear white people

Dear White People, a Netflix series written and directed by Justin Simien, illustrates a long lived social justice issue through a contemporary point of view. The issue the show addresses is clear from the moment one reads the title: racism. The show, Dear White People, depicts the modern-day issues of racism: ignorance, preconceived stereotypes, and the public’s disbelief to recognize that racism still exists.

The series takes place at the fictitious 9th ivy league college campus. The beginning of the series starts off with a party thrown by a primarily white student run organization; the theme of the party is blackface. This is one of the first acts of racism/ignorance displayed in the series but is the underlying act that causes the rest of the racial tensions to come forth. The major act of racism in the series is when a white student gets into a physical altercation with a black student. The fight is broken up by campus police who say nothing to the white student, but accuse the black student of not attending the school. The black student reacts with a vulgar comment and the police react by pointing a gun at the black student. The issue of discriminatory police enforcement is a recurring issue being seen in the news today, and society has continuously ignores the issue. Throughout the show one is able to see the administration turn a blind eye to many of the prejudiced acts on campus in order to maintain their pristine reputation. The show calls out the current issues of racism through the eyes of intelligent millennials to further show that racism is not dead and, in fact, still thriving.  Justin Simien is able to bring to light the contemporary social justice issues present in today’s society through his series.

Dear White People: Reggie Green